Irrigation and Preparing Your Lawn For Fall

While the summer is a busy time for your lawn, the fall is even busier! During the fall season your lawn is busy absorbing nutrients, moisture, and energy and storing them for the dormant winter ahead. Paying special attention to your lawn over the fall season can give your lawn the boost it needs come next growing season! The steps you take now to prepare your lawn for fall will help your lawn look even more fantastic come next spring!

Keep on Mowing

The end of summer is incredibly busy. With back to school shopping, Labour Day weekend camping trips, and just plain old relaxing on your to-do list, mowing your lawn is likely the last thing on your mind! Leading up to the fall, your lawn be appreciating the slightly cooler temperatures and more regular rainfall. And while it may not be growing vertically as quickly as you would expect, the roots are busily growing deeper and deeper.

At some point during the fall, you should plan to set your lawnmower to the lowest height adjustment. This will help sun be able to reach the crown. However, make sure to follow the rule of thirds, and only cut at most one third of the blade during any one cut.

Late Summer, Early Fall Lawn Irrigation

All summer, keeping up with your lawn’s water requirements has been at the top of your priority list. Well with summer winding down, watering your lawn is just as important! Especially as your lawn is actively storing the nutrients and moisture it needs to thrive next spring One of the best ways you can make sure your lawn is receiving adequate moisture is by installing a custom in-ground irrigation system.

An in-ground sprinkler system has been customized to provide your unique property with calculated moisture. Better yet, using weather sensing sprinkler heads, Nutri-Lawn Irrigation makes it possible to only use as much water as you absolutely need to! Weather sensing irrigation controls monitor how much natural precipitation your lawn receives and calculates how much to administer. Typically, your lawn only needs 2.5 cm per week. With more rainfall and natural precipitation making its way onto your lawn during the late summer, you can expect to have even lower water bills!

Early Fall Fertilizing

After the majority of the growing season is behind you, adding a boost of fertilizer to the soil is a good idea. Carrying out a soil test to discover exactly what your lawn requires is the best way to make sure you give your lawn what it needs. However, as a general rule of thumb, a dry fertilizer that contains at least 50% slow release nitrogen is a great early fall fertilizer. Always make sure to follow the instructions on the package, and use the proper safety precautions! Lastly, aerating your lawn will help your fertilizer do it’s important job.

If you would like to learn more about how Nutri-Lawn Ottawa’s Irrigation team can help improve the health of your lawn this fall, we would love to hear from you!